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    Addiction is the only prison where the locks are on the inside and today is the day you walk out of that prison with your head held high . The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
    This session will help you in your journey to break free from the shackles of addiction . Recovery is a beautiful struggle, and you are stronger than your addiction. With each mindful inhale and exhale, you will find your way back to yourself.


    This session is your ally as you wage your war against autoimmune illness. You will use your breath to heal and to dispel all the toxic people, unhealthy beliefs, addictions and habits that lead to your body attacking itself. Each breath will strengthen your immune system and bring you back to being the person you were before this illness took over. Our bodies when given the right tools, will always heal itself.


    Believe in your dreams and manifest it through your breath . Manifestation refers to the ability of individuals to create their own reality through the power of their thoughts and beliefs.
    This session is all about your thoughts - the architects of your destiny
    and how to anchor your breath to visualise and make your dreams come alive.


    This session is good for giving your brain a jolt, watching it ignite and activating your brilliance. Today you are going to use your breath to unlock the potential within your mind, a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. The clouds of brain fog and forgetfulness will leave your energy field with each breath and clarity will take its place.


    Overworking is the black plague of the 21st century. In a culture fuelled by burnout, a culture that has run itself down, our national resilience becomes compromised. Burnout is nature’s way of telling you that while you’ve been going through the motions your soul has departed. It is the result of too much energy output and not enough input of the things that


    This session will help you in your journey to master the calm and peace that resides deep inside your soul. To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still. Concentrating on your breath can also help bring you into the present, in a state of mindfulness. This state is also perfect for manifesting all your desires.


    This session is good for using your breath to discover the strength to face cancer's challenges Breathing exercises are one of the most well-known and effective Chinese medical tradition-inspired cancer-fighting support programs. Breathing exercises regulate oxygen-carbon dioxide homeostasis and improve hyperventilation in both healthy people and cancer patients.


    This session will help you in generating clarity, enhancing your creativity and realising your purpose. The more you understand your own purpose, the more your life will make sense. As you move along the answers to all your questions will unfold on their own when you least expect it. Your vision, your plans, your destiny is about to be downloaded into every single cell of your being.


    Before you get to the detox juices and the ayurvedic cleanses how about using your breath to eliminate all the toxins from your body! Get ready to not just detox but get detoxinated! This session will help you hit a natural reset button using the power of your breath to rid you of not only the physical toxins but also the unhealthy beliefs habits and addictions that lead to the unhealthiness of your physical body.


    This session will help you achieve super human energy by enhancing the power of your breath. It is good for amplifying your vitality by upgrading your internal operating system to achieve peak performance. Superhuman energy isn't just about being superhuman; it's about tapping into your natural, vibrant state which you were naturally born with and lost along the way. So hop on and enjoy the ride!


    Letting go is the hardest asana and it is something you do every single day. If you resist letting go, you invite resistance into your life which only pulls you down.Let us breathe to melt away all energies of guilt, shame, regret and anger and fill your space with the healing energies of forgiveness and compassion by letting go of old habits, grudges, past relationships, heart breaks, failures and limiting beliefs.

  • GUT

    This session is all about doing what is right for your GUT. The gut is the most important organ in our body and its health defines the health of every other organ. This session is all about the promise to nurture, expand and breathe life into our inner ecosystem. The microbes that reside in us are what define our second brain and our genetic make up. Natural healing in the form of our breath can work miracles for these little soliders.


    There exist a magical connection between your heart and lungs. This session is good for oxygenating your body, improving your circulation and enhancing the health of your heart . Prevention is the key to conquering heart disease. The journey from heart disease to heart health begins with your breath. Heart coherence is vital for living a life that is not only disease free but also stress free and manageable.


    Do you suffer from PMS? Do you have unexplained weight gain or loss? Do you suffer from headaches and joint pain, hot flashes, PMS symptoms, thinning hair, food cravings? These are all signs of hormonal imbalances which arise out of subconscious fears in our body. In this session you will use the power of your breath to bring harmony back to your body so you can heal.


    This session will help you in overcoming any blocks, worries or fears and take action so you can embrace change and soar high. This new version will have the power, the drive & the motivation to succeed. As you undergo an upgrade of your mind, body & soul, this breath work journey is going to clear out all old redundant habits and energies and enhance and amplify all the good qualities you possess.


    This session will help in helps to anchoring your breath so that you can heal the inflammation, fatigue and chronic pain in your body . This session is an effective way to find some respite and heal the body by nurturing the soul back to wholeness. Just as storms give way to calm, inflammation can yield to the healing embrace of wellness. When you practice deep breathing, your vagus nerve is stimulated and creates a sense of inner-calm, suppressing inflammation


    Do you have trouble setting boundaries or an inner harsh critic that is always judging you? Do you prioritise everyones happiness & comfort above your own? This session helps you embark on a journey of self discovery, self acceptance and self love. It's time to shed the trauma and wounds that are stored in your subconscious from childhood. Use your breath to embrace your inner child and let go of the emotional baggage that is bringing you down so that you can fly.


    Longevity is not just about adding years to life, but adding life to years through an optimised health-span. This session will help you age in reverse. It is good not just for extending your life but also for enhancing the quality of life. In the pursuit of longevity, we're not just trying to make old age more bearable, we're trying to make it enjoyable. Aging in reverse is not about turning back time, but about stepping into the future with vitality and wisdom.


    Do you wish you were fitter, sharper, more energetic? Do you wake up fresh and dwindle through the day? Do you suffer from food related allergies and intolerances or gut related issues.?Have you over extended yourself to such an extent that your wellness comes last on your list of priorities?
    This session is good for enhancing your well-being, motivating you to lead a healthy life and for detoxing all impurities from your body.


    Hello and Welcome to a session that will help you as you as you begin your journey in life as a new mother. In the tender moments of motherhood, you will find the balm for your soul's healing. Having a child can be an emotional experience, one that can be extremly overwhelming. This session is good for using your breath to heal as you embrace the imperfections and celebrating the miracles.


    You cannot truly love another till you love yourself. Sometimes we choose to give our energy to people who are in need. Other times certain people take this energy from us without our permission. This energy taken from you is your vital life force energy. It is now time to cut the cords and reclaim that energy back so that you can vibrate at the highest frequency possible.


    Our session on “Stress & Anxiety” helps in overcoming the everyday worry, tension and uneasiness that grips us due to the hectic lives we lead. You will banish all the restlessness, dreaded thoughts and worry of the future that plague you and instead feel a peaceful calming state of mindfulness. Achieving true tranquility can be beneficial for both your mind and body.


    Hello and Welcome to a session of breath work for losing weight. Weight loss is not about self deprivation, its about a life style change and that change starts by learning how to breathe to detox all impurities from your system. Only when you empty out the debris can you fill the body with the nutrients it needs helping it achieve balance to reach the ideal weight you desire.